Posts tagged ‘Cameron’

December 15, 2011

Super Nannies

£448 million to be spent on troubleshooters for problem families!

These “super nannies” will go into “troubled” households and attempt to sort out their problems. They will ensure people are getting up and going to work; that children aren’t truanting; that anti-social behaviour is eradicated. The so called “troubled” families will lose benefits and or face eviction if they do not comply.

Family From TV Series "Shameless"

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December 12, 2011

Just Say No

So Cameron stood his ground and said “No”.

What does this mean? Nobody knows. There are some who believe this is the best thing since sliced bread, some who think he has failed Britain miserably and Nick Clegg who just doesn’t know which way to swing.

But in reality nobody knows what the impact of Cameron’s decision will be; not the economists; not the finance ministers; not the politicians and not the general public. They can only speculate as Cameron clearly says “We are not in this together,” to Europe.

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June 8, 2011

What Is Happening To The NHS?

The overhauling of the NHS system is making me very nervous and confused as to what the coalition government is or is not going to do. We have one of the most revered systems of healthcare across the world and whilst it has many flaws, it is absolutely vital that the NHS is treated with care and diligence so that it can provide a better service.

Do I feel that this government can provide that? No is my answer.

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May 25, 2011

The Essential Relationship

President Obama’s speech today at Westminster Hall to British Parliament praised the relationship between USA and UK as “one of the oldest and strongest alliances the world has ever known”.  Both leaders have refrained from calling this alliance a special relationship, as their predecessors have, but an “essential” one. A relationship based on co-dependence where both leaders have come of age and are seeing eye to eye on foreign policies, especially The Middle East.

As I watched Cameron and Obama playing table tennis yesterday, I wondered whether their relationship was of the same calibre of JK Kennedy and MacMillan, Thatcher and Reagan, Bush and Blair.

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