Posts tagged ‘Angel’

March 24, 2014

Candlelight Club London

Anniversary-Ball candlelight club london

Ever since Downton Abbey, we have all been lining up to party like the roaring 20s. The Great Gatsby encouraged us even more. So slender, so sexy, so love your fringe, darling.

The Candlelight Club is ace, organised at various venues announced late on and set in the 20s, it is a fabulous night out. I went to the New Orleans Mardi Gras night (phew, what a mouthful). I wore a beautiful long emerald green dress with a gold belt and slits up the front. My hair was a chic up do in a bob and I had a gorgeous clip to hold it in place. I felt so glamorous and as I walked into the club a lovely guy told me I looked amazing! (ok, he was probably one of the evening’s character actors but hey, I’m still going to appreciate it).

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