Posts tagged ‘Metropolitan Police’

September 25, 2012


Here is an embarrassing incident that just won’t go away.


Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell has been officially logged calling serving officers of the Metropolitan police “plebs”. It was leaked to the press on Monday and today and following two apologies from Mr Mitchell, you would think that would be the end of it.

Not in this case. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Could it be because Mr Mitchell refuses to tell what he exactly did say? Could it be that the use of the word “pleb” demonstrates just how out of touch with the British public the government are or are we all just so insulted that the people who meant to serve us, who were voted in by us think of us as lower than them. Will this story only end in the resignation of Andrew Mitchell?

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September 13, 2012

Sorry Is Not Enough

23 years on a finally the truth come out. Hillsborough Independent Panel’s report revealed that:

  • crowd safety was comprised at every level
  • 164 police statements were doctored in an attempt to blame the fans
  • police carried out computer checks on the dead to impugn the reputation of the deceased
  • lives could have saved had emergency services reacted quicker
  • Published reports in various newspapers, the first being The Sun were inaccurate and false

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