Posts tagged ‘Human Rights’

June 25, 2014

Passport Control

British_passportMurderers and drug smugglers can hold on to their British passports but the British government is considering revoking passports of Britsh born Muslim men/boys who have decided to go and fight in the Syrian war against the Assad regime and the creeping mission to other parts of the Middle East.

Does the British government represent the people or are we under its rule and at the mercy of its whims and disregard of human rights?

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November 15, 2012

Fatal Anti Abortion Law

The devastating death of Savita Halappanavar needs to make Ireland stand up and change its anti-abortion laws. The tragedy here is that government religious legislation ruled over medical sense.

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August 21, 2012


An 11 year old girl, Rifta Masih, with Down Syndrome could face the death penalty in Pakistan for alleged blasphemy. Mehdi Hasan reported in Huffington Post that the child was arrested for burning pages from the Quran. The police say she was arrested for her own safety as approximately 500 people gathered outside her home in outrage.

This is the legacy of General Zia Ul Haq who brought in these laws in the 1980’s to wage war in Afghanistan and to take a harder stance against India. It is not a divine-mandate, as seen by some Pakistanis.

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January 18, 2012


Extradition is a hot topic at the moment as Sarah Ferguson avoids being sent packing to Turkey for exposing a brutal orphanage and Richard O’Dwyer is appealing against his extradition to America for listing a numerous sites on which you can watch new American series for free.


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November 28, 2011

Science Is A Hoax

In the USA only three out of eight of the Republican candidates for the next presidential elections believe in the scientific basis for evolution and some have even portrayed scientist as perpetrators of a massive hoax.

We had a wonderful debate

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August 24, 2011

Bury The Chains

Amazing Grace is lovely Christian hymn that we all know and can probably recite the first two lines no problem.  Interesting that the man who penned the hymn was a wealthy British slave trader who found God, wrote the hymn and then joined the anti-slavery cause.

Bury The Chains by Adam Hochschild is a wonderful book about the small number of brave people in Britain who fought to abolish slavery at a time when Britain was wealthy and powerful in the world because of it. 

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June 16, 2011

Masks Of Modernity

A global survey in the Guardian on Wednesday reported that India was the 4th worst country for women to be born into. A country rapidly developing into an economic superpower is deemed to be one of the most dangerous countries in the world due to the high levels of female infanticide and sex trafficking.

The survey was conducted by the Thomson Reuters Foundation to mark the launch of Trust Law, a website providing free legal advice to women’s groups across the world. Afghanistan was polled as the worst, with The Congo, Somalia and Pakistan all in the top 5.

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June 7, 2011

Child’s Play

Brands such as Mattel, Ninetendo, Wrigleys and Coca Cola are using and paying children to be their brand ambassadors. Forgive me for being rather shocked at this outcome but I thought child labour had been banned in this country in the late 19th century. How on earth have these companies got away with this?

In response to the Bailey report, Letting Children be Children, David Cameron yesterday asked for the process of companies paying children to publicise and promote products in schools or on social networking sites to be stopped by banning “the employment of children as brand ambassadors and in peer-to-peer marketing.” Why don’t our employment laws already cover this?

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May 30, 2011

Maltesers Melt Away From Religion

72% of Maltese voted in favour of legalising divorce in a referendum over the weekend, a welcome move towards the 21st Century.  Their prime minister is gutted though as he led the ‘no’ campaign on the majority Catholic island. 

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May 9, 2011

Enter If You’re A Virgin

Around 80 unmarried Asian girl were subjected to intrusive and humiliating virginity tests at Heathrow Airport during 1970’s . Girls who failed the virginity tests were denied access into Britain.

The case that originally caused alarm was of an Asian teacher who was entering into the Britain with her fiance. British immigration did not believe that she was a bride to be and subjected her to a vaginal examination by a male doctor. Indeed the examination verified that she was a virgin.

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February 28, 2011

Human Rights and Human Wrongs

What are human rights and human wrongs? Are they so black and white?

This questions arises as the last Labour government has been severely criticised for propping up Gaddafi’s government by negotiating deals with them. Had they not dealt with him, Libya would now be in possession of nuclear warfare. Surely this is far more dangerous than selling him civilian arms? Or is it?

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