Posts tagged ‘Europe’

August 20, 2015

Why Did Europe Conquer The World?

Why did Europe conquer the world

In 1914, 84% of the world was under colonial rule from a European nation. Quite an achievement considering that Europe makes approximately 8% of the world’s land mass. These were some of the attention-grabbing opening lines of economic historian, Philip T Hoffman’s event at the Edinburgh International Book Festival.

How did that happen?

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March 24, 2013

Legally Robbed


As I write, the Cypriot President is in Brussels trying to negotiate a deal to rescue his financially strapped country from bankruptcy.  The potential deal is thought to include a mandatory tax of 20% on those with savings over €100,000.  Last week the tax that was being agreed was 10% on all savings over €10,000 which amounts to legally sanctioned daylight robbery.

It’s an understatement to say people on the island are aren’t very pleased

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March 6, 2013

Eat Yourself to Life

Sardines escabeche

Lookin’ good!

We Brits will die before our European neighbours, so claims the latest research.  As we all know a healthy diet plays a big part towards our longevity.   The Mediterranean diet may well be wonderful but many Mediterranean breakfasts consist solely of black coffee and cigarettes.  Very healthy! 

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January 7, 2013

Heroes and Demons

People protest to defend the public sector against cuts imposed by the Spanish government in central Barcelona

Locksmiths in Pamlona, Spain, unanimously decided they would not help banks reclaim property from customers who fell behind their mortgage payments.  A locksmith interviewed by the Guardian recounted an awful story of how one sick, elderly man was barely able to get his trousers on before he was made homeless.  Whilst the action of the locksmiths turns them into heroes, the demons are less clear.

There is a lot of anger

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October 18, 2012

Germany: Only Traditional Racism

A rather shocking tale from Germany.  The author of the award-winning play Clybourne Park, Bruce Norris, has refused permission to a Berlin theatre company to perform the play after learning that a lead character would appear blacked up.

Managers at the Deutsches Theatre said a female African-American character in the play was being performed by a white actress and producers would “experiment with make-up”

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July 11, 2012

Beware of Greeks Bearing Racism

An article in today’s New York Times highlights the increasing levels of racist attacks on immigrants inGreece and the relative complacency of politicians, police and the public at large.

In economic downturns, immigrants are always the easy target to vent political inaction and even the local population taking their fair share of responsibility and ‘blame’ for their own phobia against paying taxes and penchant for loans.

Of course it is more newsworthy and scandalous

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January 26, 2012

Euro Millions Lottery: Where Will it End?

Angela Merkel is certainly stubborn and Eurozone countries that are not in financial trouble have joined a growing chorus, including respected economists, that she is putting German interests ahead of Europe’s.

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December 12, 2011

Just Say No

So Cameron stood his ground and said “No”.

What does this mean? Nobody knows. There are some who believe this is the best thing since sliced bread, some who think he has failed Britain miserably and Nick Clegg who just doesn’t know which way to swing.

But in reality nobody knows what the impact of Cameron’s decision will be; not the economists; not the finance ministers; not the politicians and not the general public. They can only speculate as Cameron clearly says “We are not in this together,” to Europe.

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