Posts tagged ‘London 2012’

September 4, 2012

Paralympic Boos And Snubs

Week 2, Day 2 and controversy overshadows the awesome Paralympics. First, there is the booing of George Osborne as he presented medals, secondly there was the alleged “snubbing” of Duchess Catherine, and thirdly and the most abhorrent was the attack on military guards at the Olympics.

The Olympics is supposed to be A-political. It is an event to celebrate the achievements of the greatest athletes regardless of creed or colour. Sorry for the sermon, but I feel slightly agitated.

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August 8, 2012

Olympic Inspiration

Another Olympic post. Sorry but I am consumed by it.

One it the Olympics legacies is that it will inspire young people to take up sports. Has it inspired us or are we just great a spectating and celebrating other’s achievements?

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August 6, 2012

Etch A Sketch

Does everyone remember the Etch A Sketch? What a fabulous toy. My children have one and it goes everywhere. I was so pleased to see the Spanish basketball coach using one to convey strategy and tactics.

In the modern days of electronic tablets, the most common of which, the IPad, this was somewhat surprising. He was able to quickly draw and erase his messages to each of the players, making it all look as simple as child’s play.

The Spanish team beat Team GB whose coach decided to take them to the classroom by using a whiteboard. Not quite as cool.



August 1, 2012

19 Olympic Medals

Last night saw American swimmer Michael Phelps become the greatest Olympian of all time by winning gold in the Men’s 4x200m relay. A sensational race and emphatic win for the 19 medal Olympian which had me glued to my seat.

Celebrated by the entire Aquatic Centre and the millions watching on television, it was a proud moment for Great Britain. History was made at London 2012 beating a 48 year old  record of Russian gymnast Larisa Latynina.

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July 28, 2012

Olympics Open

Wow! Innovative, inspiring, celebratory, surreal, humorous, the words go on….

Danny Boyle’s imagination and story telling of British history was spectacular.

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July 25, 2012

Let The Games Begin

The Olympic Games are now officially open. The opening ceremony hasn’t even occurred, the Olympic torch is still doing its rounds but Team GB have won their first game in women’s football.

Well, we don’t like doing things in order do we? Despite the great win, race relations overshadowed the opening games today with two headlining stories.

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July 17, 2012

Olympic Team Lost In London

Did I hear this right? Were athletes from the American and Australian Olympic teams lost in London yesterday? Can you imagine spending between 6 and twelve hours on the plane and upon arrival to London, spending a quarter of the day trying to get to your accommodation  because the coach driver didn’t know where he was going….

I don’t whether to laugh or cry…

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July 12, 2012

Olympic Security Scandal

Well, who can’t organise a p**s up in a brewery?????


Amazingly the London Olympic organising committee commissioned one company, G4S, to hire and train 10,000 security guards for London 2012 and now the Territorial Army have been called in because they have a workforce shortage.

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July 9, 2012

Gallant Loser

What a Wimbledon final!!! Britain hasn’t seen a finalist in Wimbledon in 74 years and despite Andy Murray’s bad PR a few years ago, it really felt like the nation was behind him and what a worthy finalist he was. The last British champion was Fred Perry in 1936 and in the first set, it looked like he it could be Andy Murray’s day.

His post match summary was extremely British. Dignified in defeat heralding the champion and ready to move on.

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October 12, 2011

Olympic Torch Nightmare

If you’ve been travelling on the London underground recently you may have noticed the huge posters naming people who have been nominated to carry the Olympic torch for a portion of its journey to London.  The posters also ask people to nominate someone they think should be put forward to have the honour of being torch bearer.  Being nominated and winning would be my worst nightmare.

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August 16, 2011

Meh, Who Cares About Basketball?

You do!

As testing begins on the new London Olympic Basketball stadium I present my case starting with one of our own…

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July 28, 2011

Every Base Covered

In order not to miss anything, the BBC covered the countdown to the London Olympics yesterday with around 200 staff and inflicted their rolling wooden footage every 3 minutes upon viewers.

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March 15, 2011

5 Rings Gets My Vote

Countdown to the London 2012 Olympics has officially started.  People can now register for tickets.

However, the debate surrounding the Olympics today is split into two camps.

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